Domain Name and Internet news

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Asia Domain Name Registration Limited: Sum up the work of the domain name system security

Asia Domain Name Registration Limited reports: From the above analysis we can see that the Internet domain name services are basic services, the domain of information security and security is an important element. At the same time, we can see that the security of the domain name system, is a complicated issue that involves many areas, both related to domain names of visitors, involving the registration of domain names management, service agencies, to ensure that the complexity of the security, it is a huge project, and is also a difficult task to complete. We are doing is continuously improve the safety of this system, the domain name system to reduce the probability of safety problems. Security issues in the domain name system at the time, can minimize the problem, the fastest recovery systems work.

The domain name system security we have the following suggestions: First, from the national strategic level, from the national information society infrastructure level, fully understand the importance of national domain name system. And vigorously promote the use of self-management by the CN domain names, particularly those that have a bearing on many people's livelihood, have great social impact of the web site, no special circumstances, we must use CN domain names. The third proposal is the establishment of a national system of domain names linked in the CNNIC, all levels of domain name registration services, domain name holders important is the establishment of the three institutions of effective channels of communication. This will help us focus on the management of domain names, as well as its security response. Registration from the perspective, we must continue to increase the state input in the domain name system, and constantly enhance the country's domain name system of anti-attack capability. So far, in Germany, the Republic of Korea building. The next step according to domain name registration of domain names to strengthen overseas building. The second increase security in the building, and establishing international standards of safety.

From domain name registration services level, we as a domain name registration management body, we must first improve constantly on the domain name registration service the technical requirements. Can the relevant departments jointly issued national guidance documents, to improve institutions at all levels in the DNS DNS data management software, as well as the level of security configuration.(
Asia Domain Name Registration Limited)

1 comment:

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